During the COVID pandemic there has been a rise in gun violence among youth in New Mexico as well as a spike in suicide deaths with a firearm. Mayor Alan Webber reached out to New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence (NMPGV) after two youths were shot and killed in Santa Fe and so we got to work. NMPGV organized with the City of Santa Fe and the Santa Fe Police Department to do one of our Guns to Gardens Gun Buyback. We offer gift cards to local grocery stores or gas cards in return for firearms that then get cut up to create beautiful works of art and gardening tools. The buyback will take place on September 12th from 10 am -2 pm at the Santa Fe Police Station on Camino Entrada. Our last gun buyback brought in 141 firearms with THE MAJORITY BEING SEMI-AUTOMATIC HANDGUNS AND ASSAULT RIFLES! New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence fully funds these gun buybacks and we need your help to continue them. Please consider a donation to get more guns off our streets.
Removes a pistol or long gun from our community
Removes a semi-automatic handgun from our community
Removes an assault weapon from our community
Thank you for helping us keep New Mexico safer from gun violence! Sincerely, Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts and Miranda Viscoli, co-presidents of NMPGV
Guns taken in and dismantled from our last Guns To Gardens Gun Buyback and gardening tools we forged from guns.