Public Outreach
Public Safety Program
NMPGV Public Safety program includes public outreach, free gun lock distribution, gun safety radio PSA’s and bus ads. We give out 1000’s of gun safety locks through CYFD, Juvenile Probation Offices, Health Councils, Schools, law enforcement agencies, and medical facilities. We do this in combination with consistent public outreach. This is a critical component of our work in gun violence prevention as it is one of the most effective communications tools that we have to reach the public. By utilizing public outreach, we have observed a shift in people’s attitudes towards gun subcultures. Public outreach is our opportunity to redirect the conversation by effectively engaging with a wide variety of audiences. It is an important tool that helps to develop a wide range of relationships and partnerships with schools and school boards, youth groups such Boys and Girls Clubs, law enforcement, city councils, inner faith communities, political groups and clubs such as Kiwanis or Rotary and even gun sellers. By presenting to these groups, we foster conversations and create a necessary space for thoughtful engagement on the issue of gun violence prevention. Public outreach also gives the general public an opportunity to discuss their concerns and ideas on the issue in terms of prevention. This builds community empowerment and strengthens their resolve to work on prevention. If your school, organization or community would like us to do a gun safety presentation please or would like gun locks, contact us.